Alex Wertheim
Role in the KNI
Alex is the Materials & Process Engineer for The Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI) at the California Institute of Technology. Alex's background is mostly in reactive physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes, crystal growth mechanisms, opto-electronic property characterization, and the complex vacuum technologies that enable advanced materials synthesis. In addition to managing, maintaining, operating, teaching equipment usage, and offering fabrication advice, he spends partial time engaging in research collaborations with groups at Caltech.
His research interests include: Bio-sensors, neural probes, wireless implants, bio-compatible/bio-inspired materials and systems.
Alex received his M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering from Arizona State University, and a B.S. in Physics from the State University of New York at New Paltz.
List of Managed Instruments
- Metals (Al, Au, Pt & Ti): Kurt J Lesker Labline Electron Beam Evaporator
- Metals & Oxides: CHA Industries Mark 40 Electron Beam Evaporator
- Dielectric Sputter System: AJA International ATC Orion 8
- Chalcogenide Sputter System: AJA International ATC Orion 8
- Parylene Coater: Para Tech LabTop 3000