Tiffany Kimoto

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Tiffany Kimoto
Title Executive Director
Responsibilities Programs, Outreach,
Financial Management
Phone 626-395-3914 (office)
626-744-9908 (fax)
310-291-7977 (cell)
Office 119A Steele


Role in the KNI

Tiffany Kimoto is the Executive Director for The Kavli Nanoscience Institute at the California Institute of Technology where she oversees programs, communications, outreach and financial management for the center.

Tiffany joined Caltech in 2011 where she worked with the Atwater research group in the Applied Physics & Materials Science department and then went on to support two Department of Energy-funded research centers, the "Light–Material Interactions in Energy Conversion" Energy Frontier Research Center (LMI-EFRC) and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP).


Tiffany received her MBA from the University of Redlands and B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara.