EBPG 5200: 100 kV Electron Beam Lithography

From the KNI Lab at Caltech
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EBPG 5200
Wavelength-scale-Piezoelectric-Transducer Alp-Sipahigil.jpg
Instrument Type Lithography
Techniques Electron Beam Lithography
Staff Manager Guy A. DeRose, PhD
Staff Email derose@caltech.edu
Staff Phone 626-395-3423
Reserve time on FBS
Request training via FBS User Dashboard
Lab Location B233C Steele
Lab Phone 626-395-1531 & -1540
Manufacturer Raith Lithography BV
Model EBPG 5200


The Raith EBPG 5200 is a dedicated direct-write Electron Beam Pattern Generator that is used to pattern large areas by high-resolution electron beam lithography. This instrument has substrate holders to handle 3" wafers, piece parts from a couple of mm to 3" diameter and up to 6.35 mm thick, and 6" mask plates. This instrument can be outfitted with substrate holders to handle up to 200 mm wafers. While this instrument can be set to operate at 20, 50, or 100 keV, it is normally set for 100 keV operation (i.e. with an accelerating voltage of 100 kV, the average energy per electron is 100 keV).

It is important that users have the time needed to prepare their data and job files without the pressure of being on the clock. This approach gives them a better chance of not having to repeat charged exposures through so much trial and error. Please note that we do not charge for the time required to prepare pattern files (in Layout Beamer and Tracer), or for preparing exposure job files (cjob). Users will receive instructions for secure remote access during training.

Operational Applications
  • Non-aligned electron beam lithography
  • Aligned (aka direct-write) electron beam lithography
Scientific / Technical Applications
  • Nanophotonics
  • Nano-optics
  • Waveguides


General SOPs
Training Materials
Sample Prep and Writing SOPs
Advanced Troubleshooting SOPs
Data Preparation Resources
Lithography Process Information
Manufacturer Manuals


  • Voltage Range: 20, 50 or 100 kV
  • Current Range: 50 pA to 200 nA
  • Main Field Size: Up to 1 mm x 1 mm
  • Main Field Resolution: 20 bit
  • Maximum Writing Frequency: 100 MHz
  • Aperture Sizes: 200 μm, 300 μm, 400 μm

Related Instrumentation in the KNI

Electron Beam Lithography
Ion Beam Lithography