FBS Instructions

From the KNI Lab at Caltech
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Priority Software® FBS

FBS is a facility management software used for
Monitoring Cleanroom Use:
Members must scan their badge EACH time when entering or exiting the Cleanroom.
For Safety and Documenting Cleanroom use.
Used for administrative accounting.
Monitoring Wet Chemistry Room Use:
Members must scan their badge EACH time entering or exiting the Wet Chem Room.
For Safety and Documenting Wet Chem Room use.
No additional charge for using the room.
Scheduling Equipment Reservations:
Members qualified to run the equipment may schedule an unassisted run.
Members qualified to run the tool but would like an assisted run must put in a training request before making the assisted reservation. Assisted reservations require the tool manager to be present.
Non Qualified members must request Training before making any reservations.
Used for administrative accounting.
Documenting Equipment Use:
Members must START the reservation or Walk-Up before using the equipment.
Members must STOP the RUN when finished using the equipment.
Used for administrative accounting.
Requesting Equipment Training to document all training events:
Members wanting to be trained must put in a training request before making any reservations.
After putting in a training request, the tool manager will confirm a Date and Time before the Training Reservation.
Used for administrative accounting.

User Web Portal

FBS allows KNI members to schedule and reserve equipment inside the lab and remotely with a web interface. Users are required to STOP the timer to the tool in order to end their event. Users can STOP and START the timer via the FBS kiosk or a desktop or smartphone web browser.

FSB Reservations - Click on the link to login to FSB and schedule tool reservations.

For reservations that DO NOT follow the reservation policy, email the tool manager BEFORE scheduling.
Your reservation can be cancelled at any time by the tool manager if it does not follow the tool reservation policy.
  • If Qualified on the equipment:
  1. Log into FBS to make an unassisted reservation.
  2. If you have been trained and qualified by the tool manager but are unable to make an unassisted reservation, email the tool manager to request your access to be enabled.
  3. If Qualified on the equipment and you would like to make an assisted reservation, member must first put in a training request from the User Dashboard. The tool manager will discuss your request and confirm a time and date before you are asked to schedule an assisted run. Assisted runs require the tool manager to be present when scheduled. If a training request is not made prior to scheduling, the manager may not be notified of the scheduled event.
  • If you are NOT Qualified on the equipment:
  1. Request training via the User Dashboard.
  2. Describe the process you want to use on the tool.
  3. Give your schedule or available times throughout the week.

The staff manager will need to schedule their availability, your availability and the tools availability when scheduling.

  • If unable to login or forgotten password, contact KNI administrator - Jennifer Palmer

FSB Live Usage

  • Live Usage displays members that have scanned into the cleanroom and wet chemistry room. It also displays systems that are running and who is logged into the tool. Often used to locate members and where they may be working inside the cleanroom.

FBS Kiosks and Door Scanners

FBS accurately documents lab and tool use time for administration accounting.

  • Always scan into FBS when entering the lab B207.
    • If your name does not appear on the FBS door monitor, notify a KNI staff member.
  • Always scan out of FBS when exiting the lab B207. Listen to the door monitor to verify you have logged out of the tools properly.
    • If you forgot to STOP your session or forgot to START/STOP your session, contact the tool manager to update the system records so the billing records can be updated. Email the tool manager and include the Date, Start, and Stop time for the tool used.
  • START your session before using the tool.
    • This will unlock the system for your session and start the billing record. If the system does not unlock after logging into FBS, follow the instruction in the "FBS Troubleshooting Instructions" listed in the Resources section below.
  • STOP your session when you are finished.
    • This will end your session and lock the system. Your session will be billed for the total time used on the system.
  • Always scan into FBS before entering the Wet Chemistry Room inside the cleanroom.
    • If your name does not appear on the Wet Chemical Room door monitor, notify a KNI staff member. It is okay to use the Wet Chemistry Room if your name does not appear on the monitor.
  • Always scan out of FBS when leaving the Wet Chemistry Room.


General Reservation Policy

This is the General Reservation Policy. Check the tool Wiki page for any special reservation rules associated with that piece of equipment.::

FBS User SOP Standard Operation Procedure for Priority Software® FBS