Guy A. DeRose, PhD

From the KNI Lab at Caltech
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Guy A. DeRose, PhD
Title Associate Director of
Technical Operations
Responsibilities Lab Technical Operations,
Phone 626-395-3423 (office)
626-676-8529 (cell)
Office 126 Steele


Role in the KNI

Guy DeRose, a Member of the Professional Staff, is the Associate Director of Technical Operations in the Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI) at The California Institute of Technology, and has been in that position since the laboratory opened in 2008. He is in charge of laboratory operations, managing KNI laboratory members' needs and expectations, and supervising the KNI technical staff. Direct equipment responsibilities include the electron beam lithography systems, which he has been managing since the EBPG 5000+ was installed in 2003.

Guy joined Caltech in January 1994 as the instructor for the PMA Division’s Advanced Physics Labs. After also working in several additional academic labs in Physics, he moved to EAS in 2000 to manage a research lab in electrical engineering and applied physics and to coordinate the EAS Division’s teaching labs. He helped to establish the Laboratory for Large-Scale Integration of Nanostructures (LSI-Nano) with two faculty members, which laid much of the groundwork for what subsequently grew into the KNI, and has been involved with the KNI since its inception. Those experiences have given Guy the opportunity to publish scientific papers as well as to write funding proposals with Caltech faculty members.


Guy earned his BS from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and MS and PhD degrees from Case Western Reserve University, all in Physics.

List of Managed Instruments


Selected Publications

Figure 3e-f from "Use of Supramolecular Assemblies as Lithographic Resists," depicting (d) lines of resist written with 30 keV electrons on silicon, followed by (e) 210 second ICP-RIE etch and (f) removal of the remaining resist to leaving 36:1 aspect ratio silicon fins.
  • Scott M. Lewis, Guy A. DeRose, Matthew S. Hunt, Hayden Alty, Alex Werthiem, Jarvis Li, Trevor Fowler, Axel Scherer, Stepen G. Yeates, Richard E. P. Winpenny et al, "Design and Implementation of the Next Generation Electron Beam Resists for the Production of EUVL Photomasks," Photomask Technology 2018, p 24.
  • Scott M. Lewis, Antonio Fernandez, Guy A. DeRose, Matthew S. Hunt, Axel Scherer, Stephen G. Yeates, Richard E. P. Winpenny et al, "Use of Supramolecular Assemblies as Lithographic Resists," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (24), 6749–6752.
  • Scott M. Lewis, Guy A. DeRose, "SML electron beam resist: Ultra-high aspect ratio nanolithography," Materials and Processes for Next-Generation Lithography Book Series: Frontiers of Nanoscience Volume: 11, 421-446, 2016.
  • Guy A. DeRose, Lin Zhu, Joyce K.S. Poon, Amnon Yariv, Axel Scherer, "Periodic sub-wavelength electron beam lithography defined photonic crystals for mode control in semiconductor lasers," Microelectronic Engineering, Volume: 85, Issue: 5-6, 758-760, (2008).
  • Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Room temperature continuous wave operation of single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Express Vol. 16, Issue 2, 502-506 (2008).
  • Joyce K. S. Poon, Lin Zhu, John M. Choi, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Active coupled-resonator optical waveguides. II. Current injection InP–InGaAsP Fabry–Perot resonator arrays," Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 24, Issue 9, 2389-2393 (2007).
  • Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Spatial modal control of two-dimensional photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Letters, Vol. 32, Issue 16, 2273-2275 (2007).
  • Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Continuous-wave operation of electrically pumped, single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 261116 (2007).